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USS HUGH PURVIS and the Submarine SEAWOLF - Time frame - some time in 1963. (Found by Jeff Minton.) Bob Mead was an officer on board from 62-64 and has a Google "eBlog" account which he updates periodically. Visit this link and have a look...

Ride On a Nuclear Submarine by Bob Mead

"Mercury Meteorites"

A poem written by an unknown shipmate sometime
in February of 1962.

We were waiting for John Glenn to get his Mercury
Capsule off the ground. If memory serves me, we
were at sea for 40 plus days with a 2 day period
in Bermuda. (EES)

Click the image at the left for the poem.
** Item donated by Bob Ambrico (60-62) **

Envelope Postmarked on USS Hugh Purvis - DD709 - 12/15/1945

1961 Med Cruise
On the left is a plot of the Purvis from March to October, 1961 Med Cruise. It illustrates all the places she went with the exception of the Red Sea. Click the plot to see a larger version of it. The larger version window can be zoomed in and out. The plot was donated by Lou Grassini via to Roger Nelson and John Goldsworthy at the 2008 Boston reunion. This photo version was done by Rogers' son.

Cdr. G.S. Davis, C/O
, letter to the Men and Families of the USS Hugh Purvis dated 3 October 1961. This letter outlines the 1961 Med Cruise from start to finish. Donated by Larry Calton at the 2009 Chicago Reunion. Click on Cdr. Davis' name to view the letter.

Cdr. J.C. Linville, C/O, letter to the Men and Families of the USS Hugh Purvis, dated 23 February, 1963. This letter outlines the activities and wanderings of the USS Hugh Purvis for the year 1962. A lot happened in this one year period.  Donated by Larry Calton at the 2009 Chicago Reunion. Click on Cdr. Linville/s name to view the letter.

     Changeof Command 1970            Defenders Day 1971             Change of Command 1972


 A montage of photos with Oliver Purvis